Vendor & Sponsor Registration


Thank you for your interest in being a part of our STEM conference! 

OCTOBER 24-25, 2024

Osburn Hall, Millersville University

Millersville, PA  

How your organization can participate in the STEM Conference?

There are four opportunities for you to have your organization to be represented at the this year's TEEAP STEM Conference. 

More information is listed below about the these opportunities; the last day to register is:  September 20th

1. Special INTEREST Session Presenter

If you have a topic that would motivate, integrate, or motivate our attendees, we ask that you would consider applying to be a presenter. 

Presenters must be registered as an Attendee, Vendor, or Sponsor.  

2. Vendor Table

Over 20 vendor tables will line the hallways used by conference guests to travel to break-out session rooms. Vendor tables are on a first-come, first-served basis, pending approval by TEEAP. Please note that vendors are located in the hallways of Osburn Hall to ensure lots of attendee traffic! You will receive a confirmation email and additional details from TEEAP when your application has been approved and payment has been received.

Included with each Vendor table for $350:

3. Conference sponsorship

 A limited number of Sponsorship spaces will be in the vestibule area on the first and second floors (main entrance areas). Sponsorship spaces are on a first-come, first-served basis, pending approval by TEEAP. You will receive a confirmation email and additional details from TEEAP when your application has been approved and payment has been received. 

Included with each Conference Sponsorship for $600:

4. Conference & Social Sponsorship

 A limited number of Sponsorship spaces will be in the vestibule area on the first and second floors (main entrance areas). Sponsorship spaces are on a first-come, first-served basis, pending approval by TEEAP. You will receive a confirmation email and additional details from TEEAP when your application has been approved and payment has been received. 

Included with each Sponsorship space for $1000:


Thank you for your support of STEM education! If you have any questions please contact Jason Zalno.